# Pastebin vzurfPbq [timeless@gcc2-power8 doc0]$ cat html/type/Num.html class Num

class Num

Floating-point number

class Num is Cool does Real { }

A Num object stores a floating-point number. It is immutable. On most platforms, it's an IEEE 754 64-bit floating point numbers, aka "double precision".

Type graph

Below you should see a clickable image showing the type relations for Num that links to the documentation pages for the related types. If not, try the PNG version instead.

perl6-type-graph Num Num Cool Cool Num->Cool Real Real Num->Real Mu Mu Any Any Any->Mu Cool->Any Numeric Numeric Real->Numeric NaN NaN NaN->Num Stringy Stringy Str Str Str->Cool Str->Stringy NumStr NumStr NumStr->Num NumStr->Str