# Pastebin zjXRdvty 18:00 kaos: same kaos as erlydtl org on github? 18:02 just sent https://github.com/erlydtl/erlydtl/pull/164 - i don't think there's another way to happily use warnings_as_errors without a fix like that 18:02 Preserve _ prefixed to variable names when generating erlang by RJ · Pull Request #164 · erlydtl/erlydtl · GitHub (0.88s) 18:32 RJ2: I am not sure warning about unused variables at all makes sense in a template 18:34 nox: perhaps true, but warnings as errors isn't just about unused variables - it's nice to fail on other tpl related warnings 18:34 yeah, that's orthogonal 18:35 RJ2: I was just saying that maybe prefixing with _ is enough 18:35 afaik there isn't a way to have warnings_as_errors behaviour without the unused variable warnings, hence the patch (or is there?) 18:36 it sounds weird that variable names would have special meaning in a dtl template 18:36 oh you mean prefixing everything with _ regardless in tpl vars? 18:36 RJ2: -Wno_something_something 18:36 and I meant prefixing everything with _, yes 18:36 ah i see 18:36 possibly. i'll see what kaos says, it's his repo 18:38 RJ2: prefixing everything with _ instead of Var_ just makes no variable emit unused warnings when they come from the template variables themselves 18:38 ah, there's nowarn_unused_vars 18:38 and other variables will still make a warning if erlydtl's compiler makes silly things 18:38 yeah trye 18:38 so either providing nowarn_unused_vars or prefixing all with _ would solve my problem too 18:38 yes 18:39 the patch is probably unnecessary then 18:39 prefixing everything with _ makes sense for such a thing, imo 18:39 RJ2: I meant prefixing all with _ in erlydtl, not in your template, right? 18:39 yeah of course