# Pastebin uHYvh4oF nix run -f channel:nixpkgs-unstable nix -c nix eval -f channel:nixpkgs-unstable hello.out trace: lib.zip is deprecated, use lib.zipAttrsWith instead trace: WARNING: `addPassthru drv passthru` is deprecated, replace with `extendDerivation true passthru drv` trace: `mkStrict' is obsolete; use `mkOverride 0' instead. trace: `types.list` is deprecated; use `types.listOf` instead trace: types.optionSet is deprecated; use types.submodule instead error: assertion failed at /nix/store/2gkajnh00193z5fi2c969qpl8k40bi9m-nixexprs.tar.xz/pkgs/stdenv/linux/default.nix:131:13 (use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)