# Pastebin rKNrrQCt Now that the links work again, it seems like it would be better to use, review, and update, [the existing docs](https://git.devuan.org/devuan/devuan-maintainers/blob/master/README.md) rather than for me to write new documentation. These are my suggestions: * Move the wiki docs into the repo This would allow anyone to perform a merge request for the purpose of helping with the docs, fixing typos, filling in gaps. In theory, a wiki is easier for everyone to edit. Problem is, they need to be given permissions first. On the other hand, everyone has permissions to fork a repo and do an MR. If the files were in the repo, it increases the chances of willing contributors to help maintain the docs, and merge requests could be reviewed and discussed as they come in, whereas with a wiki, it's not as easy. * Link to the docs On this [forum post](https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1380#p1380) and on the main website. They need to be visible so they don't get forgotten about, even if they aren't necessarily in pristine condition, atm. If a package maintainer is following the docs and gets stuck somewhere and asks for help, this gives us a clue as to what part of the docs needs changing, in real-time. An issue can be opened or someone can take care of it immediately.