# Pastebin qfjm1Sqh Some details are at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Graphite#Service_operation There are various clients you can use depending on your programming language. Graphite should be used for data that It also worth reading https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Graphite#Further_reading >>>> Graphite - You must specify the timestamp of the metric Data is generally aggregated (give https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Graphite a read) There is a daily.* metric prefix that will always remain at daily granularity (no aggregation) Docs for the plaintext protocol: https://graphite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/feeding-carbon.html#the-plaintext-protocol echo " " | nc -q0 For example, this should work: echo "project1_extrametrics.my.metric.name 100 1542814299" | nc -q0 labmon1001.eqiad.wmnet 2003 An example in production (pointing at the production graphite host): https://github.com/wikimedia/analytics-wmde-scripts/blob/15f8f6fe60ac06eba523d238ae9fbc43f4cb10a7/lib/WikimediaGraphite.php#L10 >>>> Statsd - For current data (as it happens) Spec for protocol: https://github.com/b/statsd_spec https://github.com/etsy/statsd#usage An example in production (pointing at the production statsd host): https://github.com/wikimedia/analytics-wmde-scripts/blob/15f8f6fe60ac06eba523d238ae9fbc43f4cb10a7/lib/WikimediaStatsd.php#L10 Statsd will give you extended properties: https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Graphite#Extended_properties >>>> Grafana: http://grafana-labs.wikimedia.org Guide to making grafana graphite dashboards http://docs.grafana.org/features/datasources/graphite/