# Pastebin mym2zbiP root@Bhanu:/usr/bin# pisg -ne LucidChat -f eggdrop -o suid.html -ch \#lovelife -l lovelife.log pisg v0.73 - Perl IRC Statistics Generator Statistics for channel #lovelife @ LucidChat by MAINTAINER 1 logfile(s) found, using eggdrop format... Analyzing log lovelife.log... 0 days, 0 lines total Channel analyzed successfully in 00 hours, 00 minutes and 00 seconds on Sat Feb 18 11:49:38 2017 No parseable lines found in logfile (1 total lines). Skipping. -> You might be using the wrong format. -> A common error is that the logs do not contain timestamps for each line. root@Bhanu:/usr/bin#