# Pastebin Z9X5Orqq That spec seems crazy to me - it means I can't tell the difference between a font that is ready to be used and what is effectively a gibberish string! This turns typos into terrible hard-to-detect bugs, and makes relying on the call for any reason extremely dangerous. Plausible example of the danger: 1) We start using Roboto on the SRP 2) In our various page elements for various reasons we start calling document.fonts.check('400 12pt Roboto') in a bunch of places 3) We later decide to migrate to using "Roboto Neue" instead of Roboto for whatever reason. 4) We modify our CSS to use this new font, and find and update most but not all of the old check calls, because we have a lot of code and it's easy to miss stuff. 5) We now have code that calls document.fonts.check('400 12pt Roboto') which erroneously returns true even though the font isn't available, causing all sorts of havoc.