# Pastebin SjuYlI64 Ember Hangout with rwjblue * Add Ember Testing * Proposed QUnit * We would like to stick with mocha as all other tests work with it * Ember * Robert told us that we’re going into the right direction with the structure of the Ember app * Keyboard shortcuts * Shortcuts can probably be hooked up on Application boot. * We quickly discussed the possible frameworks (mousetrap, keymaster) * Alternative would be to build our own micro framework and hook it up to individual textareas when needed * Editor/Post List * We discussed where to put the editor route * Idea is to stop sharing the PostsPostController between Editor and Content screen * DELETE API * We have a fix in place to deal with non-empty API responses on DELETEs * We’ll look into returning a 204 Status Code and empty body on DELETEs at some point * Future of Mobile * We currently use media queries to show different versions of the editor on mobile devices * We will focus on providing feature parity first and then look into better options for mobile support (see [Ember.js] - The Future of Ghost Mobile (https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/2333)) * Session handling * We shortly spoke about keeping a session alive with a heartbeat and/or auto saving posts * Alternative is local storage (e.g. orbit.js) * This would be an awesome feature to have in the next release in addition to shipping ember * Future Hangouts * Robert kindly offered to host more group, goal-oriented hangouts in the future