# Pastebin Qcz5AwVM (gdb) bt #0 0x40a0b8c4 in nanosleep () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x406ec36c in g_usleep () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 #2 0x0000a618 in fault_spin () #3 0x0000a598 in fault_handler_sigaction () #4 #5 0x40a9f194 in strlen () from /lib/libc.so.6 #6 0x40a66bc8 in _IO_vfprintf_internal (s=, format=, ap=...) at vfprintf.c:1987 #7 0x40a89674 in _IO_vsnprintf (string=0xbeb0e014 "", maxlen=, format=0x40666747 "%s initMorphoPostureDetect failed!!!", args=...) at vsnprintf.c:120 #8 0x406303de in ?? () #9 0x406303de in ?? () Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?) (gdb) source load_sym_files.py (gdb) load-sym-files / add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libcamera_metadata.so" at .text_addr = 0x40021000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmmjpeg_interface.so" at .text_addr = 0x40028000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libmmjpeg_interface.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmmstillomx.so" at .text_addr = 0x4002f000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libmmstillomx.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libgemini.so" at .text_addr = 0x40032000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libgemini.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmorpho_hdr_checker.so" at .text_addr = 0x4003e000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmmcamera_interface.so" at .text_addr = 0x4005c000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libmmcamera_interface.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libimage-omx-common.so" at .text_addr = 0x4006f000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libimage-omx-common.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libstdc++.so" at .text_addr = 0x400b0000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libcorkscrew.so" at .text_addr = 0x400df000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libsync.so" at .text_addr = 0x400e4000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libimage-jpeg-enc-omx-comp.so" at .text_addr = 0x400e7000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libimage-jpeg-enc-omx-comp.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmercury.so" at .text_addr = 0x400ef000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libmercury.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libgccdemangle.so" at .text_addr = 0x40178000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libhardware.so" at .text_addr = 0x4017f000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libui.so" at .text_addr = 0x4018f000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libm.so" at .text_addr = 0x401c4000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8960.so" at .text_addr = 0x403a0000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/hw/gralloc.msm8960.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libutils.so" at .text_addr = 0x403fd000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmorpho_denoiser.so" at .text_addr = 0x40413000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmemalloc.so" at .text_addr = 0x4047f000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libmemalloc.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libGLESv2.so" at .text_addr = 0x40487000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libqdutils.so" at .text_addr = 0x40546000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libqdutils.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libcutils.so" at .text_addr = 0x40551000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libGLESv1_CM.so" at .text_addr = 0x4055c000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libstlport.so" at .text_addr = 0x40572000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libEGL.so" at .text_addr = 0x405b7000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/liblog.so" at .text_addr = 0x4062f000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/hw/camera.msm8960.so" at .text_addr = 0x40634000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/hw/camera.msm8960.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libc.so" at .text_addr = 0x40812000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libdsyscalls.so" at .text_addr = 0x40890000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libGLES_trace.so" at .text_addr = 0x408e9000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libcamera_client.so" at .text_addr = 0x40947000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmmjpeg.so" at .text_addr = 0x409ac000 Missing separate debuginfo for /system/lib/libmmjpeg.so add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libbinder.so" at .text_addr = 0x40b66000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libgui.so" at .text_addr = 0x40b93000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmorpho_posture_detect.so" at .text_addr = 0x40bd2000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmorpho_image_stabilizer3.so" at .text_addr = 0x40d49000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmorpho_easy_hdr.so" at .text_addr = 0x40fe7000 add symbol table from file "//system/lib/libmorpho_scene_detector.so" at .text_addr = 0x41185000 (gdb) bt #0 0x40a0b8c4 in nanosleep () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x406ec36c in g_usleep () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0 #2 0x0000a618 in ?? () #3 0x0000a618 in ?? () Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)