# Pastebin QEHVlC0P Rose Labelle stood in front of the head of the IT Department, a printed-out copy of a mess of an article in her hands. She dropped it on the desk in front of her. “Why are we still allowing this on the database? This should have been gone hours ago, and yet staff keep adding to it!” “With all due respect, Ms. Labelle,” Louis Hayden slowly and thoughtfully replied, “this sort of thing every once in a blue moon is fine. It’s just for people to let out their tense feelings. Working for the Foundation is stressful work af—“ “We have coordinated programs and events to do that! Do you really think shit like this upholds the integrity of the database? It’s not even April Fool’s!” She could feel the steam coming out of her ears. “If this stayed up for any longer than a day, do you know what kind of message that sends? Most of all, do you know who cleans up this mess? Not you sir, us grunts! And it’s not as simple of a process as just clicking delete.” “Listen, I understand your frustration. I really do. I was in your position once. But it’s a good way to blow off some steam, I honestly do think so. Besides, don’t you find it funny?” “No.” “That’s just your humor then.” Louis leaned back in his chair, turning to pull out an unlabelled book. Rose knew what it was; her and her colleagues who were also frustrated would probably be noted as “no-fun police”. “If it helps, you’ll get a chance to see it gone soon. Then you and the rest of the department don’t need to worry about it again.” He sighed. “It’s a win-win.” “Only if you think about it that way, sir.” Eye twitch. “A canine dolphin? Misspelled words about neutralization? Mocking Kain and writing creepy shit about Scranton and Talloran? Who finds this funny anyway!?” Louis shrugged. “Whatever. Happy Thanksgiving.” Rose mumbled as she left in haste. ‘All in good fun’, yeah. Sure.