# Pastebin Q1R9YAcO I'm trying to write a module that will let me define the postgresql initial script in multiple places and have them all get merged (why this isn't the default now beats me...), however, when I try to specify this option in multiple places I get the error `The option `services.pgAggregatedInitScript' in `' is already declared in `'.` The module is this: ``` aggregatePgInitModule = {pkgs, config, lib, ...}: with lib; { options.services.pgAggregatedInitScript = mkOption { type = types.lines; default = ""; description = '' Initial SQL script to run after setting up Postgres. ''; }; config = { services.postgresql.initialScript = if config.services.pgAggregatedInitScript == "" then null else pkgs.writeText "init-pg.sql" config.services.pgAggregatedInitScript; }; };``` Any ideas??