# Pastebin PIzBvsPL Saturday, April 14th, 2018 12:39 AM Ok, I mean, why do you want to know about this? 12:40 AM Just curious. Chris is always talking about it. I don't think it's a big deal. 12:41 AM Chris is a common dumbshit. 12:41 AM I failed to take medication for a few years. Over the course of a year and a half, I started to have paranoid ideation. 12:42 AM At one point in that time frame, I assaulted the person who was my landlord at the time. 12:43 AM I knocked him to the ground, and then I grabbed him by the arm or shoulder once or twice and prevented him from opening the door to leave the house once or twice. 12:43 AM Because I tried to get him to answer some questions based on the paranoid ideation. 12:45 AM Is there anything else you would like to know? 12:46 AM Medication for what? 12:49 AM Usually I have to take an anti-depressant and an anti-anxiety pill. Right now, they've discontinued the anti-psychotic. 12:49 AM I think they discontinued the anti-psychotic at least 8 months ago. 12:49 AM Are you schizophrenic? 12:50 AM I do not have that problem, actually. 12:50 AM Then what was the anti psychotic for 12:51 AM Paranoid thoughts. 12:52 AM Ok, I was treated for schizophrenia, but I don't think I have that. I think someone who was really schizophrenic would not recover in a few weeks or months and be normal. 12:53 AM Sounds like paranoid schizophrenia to me. My aunt has it. It's not that big of a deal 12:54 AM She owned a grocery store with my uncle and one year around Christmas time a guy came in and asked for an item. I don't remember what it was though. They were sold out so he said to her "shit. My wife is going to kill me" 12:55 AM My aunt took it very literally and started freaking out. She got my uncle and told him they needed to call the cops cos the guy's wife was going to kill him. 12:55 AM I have met some guys with schizophrenia. One guy I met online can't string many coherent thoughts together. 12:56 AM The other talks about non-stop nonsense about mafia people and other violent persons. 12:56 AM It is totally pointless to have conversation with the second guy. 12:56 AM Everyone experiences it differently. My aunt was pretty high functioning. She's on anti psychotics now. 12:57 AM I only seem to have a problem once every few years. 12:57 AM And it's not for very long. 12:59 AM Yeah. Sounds like my aunt. Hers is brought on by stress. She's usually fine even without meds but if she gets stressed and/or doesn't sleep well she will start getting paranoid. 1:07 AM To be honest, I don't think the medication does anything for me. 1:07 AM Some people do get better with it. I think it has zero effect on me. 1:08 AM It's just something psychiatrists do so that they are "treating" you. 1:11 AM Rehm's just going to keep bringing up the same bullshit. 1:11 AM He's just mad that I pointed out that he at least has the attitudes of a date rapist. 1:12 AM I think it's pretty likely that he's committed an actual rape that some woman didn't bother to prosecute. 1:12 AM Unforunately, it happens all the time that women are raped and don't prosecute the offender :P 1:13 AM You don't appear to be paying attention. 1:14 AM Eh. Just ignore him.