# Pastebin LahYZUN3 And there it was. The tower bell that finally woke Gareth from his slumber. With a few groaning noises and some possible creaks within his bones, Gareth pushed himself to a sitting position on his bed before slipping off the side. Arms reached over head and he yawned...and yawned. Hiw long had it been since he had a bed? He wasn't even sure of that himself. After a few minutes of moving back and forth inside of his room, Gareth was once more prepaired to enter the world of people. Adorned much like he was the previous night; a poets shirt off white in color tucked into brown breeches of soft leather as well as boots that went to his knees. Black leather in nature that slid over ankle length breeches. Giving the door to his room a little push, Gareth entered the hallway and started for the stairs leading to the main room. As the night prior, his gaze remained square situated on his own feet as he stepped of the stairs and moved towards the bar and a stool well away from most anyone else inside. There he would plop down and quietly study his own finger nails for the next few moments. https://goo.gl/QCpukB