# Pastebin IPPOLMq8 &Smeagol> Alright 16:30:19 hello folks 16:30:20 f:D 16:30:28 Hi there 16:30:29 *:D 16:30:30 <&Smeagol> welcome to the Bricks in Motion Sight & Sound LIVE Results Chat Spectacular 16:30:31 Good evening 16:30:36 Hiya! 16:30:37 Instance.new() Yay 16:30:39 Hi 16:30:40 Instance.new() ^.^ 16:30:41 <&Smeagol> Thank you to our sponsors 16:30:45 Brickstuff 16:30:47 *applause* 16:30:54 Everybody say Woot Woot! 16:30:56 *Cheering* 16:30:57 <&Smeagol> who make cool little LEGO-scale LED lights you can build into your sets for realistic lighting 16:31:02 Woot wpot 16:31:03 Woot Woot 16:31:04 <&Smeagol> https://www.brickstuff.com/ 16:31:05 woot woot 16:31:06 Cheers 16:31:07 <&Smeagol> and also Dragonframe 16:31:08 Sweet! 16:31:11 :D 16:31:13 Woot Woot! 16:31:23 <&Smeagol> creators of the finest stop motion software the world has ever known! 16:31:23 http://www.dragonframe.com/ 16:31:28 *Whistle* 16:31:29 Agreed 16:31:30 <&Smeagol> srsly it is great, hard to go back after using it 16:31:35 Yay! 16:31:36 Instance.new() Heh 16:31:37 word! 16:31:38 They are so good! 16:31:49 <&Smeagol> Thank you also to our judges 16:31:59 Woot! 16:32:10 <&Smeagol> Chris Boyer (slothpaladin), Nathan Wells, Thomas Evans (Forlorn) and...me 16:32:11 No more Woot 16:32:17 YA! 16:32:19 <&Smeagol> woot is so 2008 16:32:21 ? 16:32:28 :( 16:32:33 Yoot! 16:32:38 <&Smeagol> Thank you also to all of our 22 entrants 16:32:38 Hurrah, then 16:32:39 RIP Woots 16:32:42 What's wrong with 2008? 16:32:44 Hmm? 16:32:46 <&Smeagol> it's Entrants Like You that make these contests what they are! 16:32:49 True! 16:32:55 Groot 16:33:00 <&Smeagol> Now 16:33:01 we are groot 16:33:03 <&Smeagol> without further ado 16:33:09 We are woot 16:33:11 <&Smeagol> the TOP TEN 16:33:11 boot 16:33:11 Yay! 16:33:19 Rioforce wins emall 16:33:22 <&Smeagol> in 10th place... 16:33:22 *em all 16:33:29 <&Smeagol> ...of the Bricks in Motion Sight & Sound contest... 16:33:34 Yes? 16:33:36 *applause* 16:33:42 <&Smeagol> 'Strange Happenings' by TopBrick Studios! 16:33:50 Congrats 16:33:51 Yey 16:33:51 Woo hoo! Congratulations! 16:33:53 Instance.new() Noice 16:33:54 *claps* 16:33:54 Instance.new() :D 16:33:55 *cheering* 16:33:55 gratz 16:33:56 congrats! 16:33:57 Good job 16:34:00 <@Penta> woo 16:34:05 Awesome! Congrats! 16:34:07 — MightyWanderer claps 16:34:11 Ya! 16:34:12 nice 16:34:23 <&Smeagol> Congrats TopBrick, if you are out there 16:34:38 doesn't seem to be. 16:34:41 Alright 16:34:43 Yes, congrats! 16:34:44 No 16:34:44 Aw.. 16:34:46 <&Smeagol> in 9th place! 16:34:55 Our 9th place winner. 16:34:57 Who is 16:35:04 rioforce 16:35:08 <&Smeagol> 'A Camping Trip with Dad' by brickorbrack! 16:35:15 Yes 16:35:17 hurah 16:35:18 Congratulations! 16:35:18 *Claps* 16:35:19 congrats 16:35:20 Good job 16:35:21 *clap clap* 16:35:22 congrats! 16:35:23 yay 16:35:25 Instance.new() Congrats! :D 16:35:27 Congrats! 16:35:30 Good job! 16:35:32 Instance.new() I think I missed watching that one *shifty eyes* 16:35:46 It's the one with the owl Mighty 16:35:54 The one that got 9th place 16:35:55 <@Penta> and groot 16:36:04 Instance.new() Ah that one 16:36:11 Groot groot! 16:36:20 I liked that one 16:36:29 I don't think I watched it.. :( 16:36:33 I will later, though! 16:36:37 <&Smeagol> alrighty 16:36:42 in 8th place 16:36:49 not rioforce 16:36:53 <&Smeagol> I'll skip the formalities because it's 16:36:53 haha 16:36:55 :O 16:36:56 Yeah 16:36:59 <&Smeagol> 'Face Swapped' by Formal Lens! 16:37:07 Clap 16:37:08 Gratz! 16:37:11 Way to go 16:37:11 Instance.new() Sweet 16:37:13 gratz 16:37:13 Yay! 16:37:14 *Applause* 16:37:14 Instance.new() ^.^ 16:37:14 Groot groot 16:37:18 Nice job 16:37:19 Nice job! 16:37:19 Congratulations! 16:37:24 <@Penta> woo 16:37:33 Great job 16:38:01 Are you here? 16:38:12 <&Smeagol> and now 16:38:17 7th place. 16:38:22 In 7th place we have... 16:38:31 *doesn't say anything* 16:38:32 *Cheering* Nice job! 16:38:34 <&Smeagol> 'First Day on the Space Job' by BrickMaker! 16:38:39 :D 16:38:39 Awesome!! 16:38:40 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap**Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:38:41 Instance.new() Heyyy congrats BrickMaker :D 16:38:43 congrats i watched that one earlier 16:38:44 Hey Congrats! 16:38:45 <&Smeagol> Finally somebody who is present 16:38:45 That one was great 16:38:45 Clap 16:38:45 Yes! Loved that one. 16:38:45 <@Penta> congrats BrickMaker 16:38:46 Thank you! 16:38:46 i liked the set 16:38:47 Congrats BrickMaker! 16:38:48 Congrats! 16:38:48 <&Smeagol> Congrats brickmaker 16:38:52 (Clapping) 16:38:53 *bows* 16:38:55 congradulations 16:38:56 Thank you so much everyone! 16:39:01 → hooep9 joined (uid177871@tawx-11E8140D.ealing.irccloud.com) 16:39:16 Nice job! 16:39:20 whaaaat? it's busy here. did I miss anything> I've been AFK since 5 16:39:22 Instance.new() BrickMaker just got 7th, HOO 16:39:23 Thanks a lot! 16:39:23 Eastern 16:39:27 :D 16:39:31 Instance.new() :D 16:39:36 I liked his short film 16:39:37 <&Smeagol> you missed 16:39:38 7. First Day on the Space Job by BrickMaker 16:39:38 8. Face Swapped by Formal Lens 16:39:38 9. A Camping Trip with Dad by brickorbrack 16:39:38 10. Strange Happenings by TopBrick Studios 16:39:42 Thank you! 16:39:47 no color flicker whatsoever. 16:39:50 <&Smeagol> So now 16:39:55 in 6th place 16:40:04 rioforce must win at least one place... 16:40:05 <&Smeagol> A real GEM of a film, it's 16:40:08 THanks a lot Hooep! 16:40:13 <&Smeagol> 'Ocean Treasures' by Onecrasfilms! 16:40:17 Amazing job! 16:40:19 <@Penta> woo 16:40:20 Clap 16:40:22 Good job 16:40:22 Hurray 16:40:24 Gem. I get it 16:40:24 Congratulations! 16:40:25 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:40:27 Clap Clap 16:40:27 Woo!! 16:40:30 *Applause* 16:40:31 That was one was amazing, great job! 16:40:33 Congrats :D 16:40:36 *that one 16:40:36 Instance.new() Congratulations :D 16:40:42 I liked that one 16:40:43 It was incredible! 16:40:44 Instance.new() :P 16:40:54 Beautiful film 16:41:00 <&Smeagol> halfway there folks 16:41:04 That one was really good 16:41:15 <&Smeagol> congrats to onecras 16:41:19 who is not here I guess 16:41:19 wait a minute... 10, nine, 8, 7, 6... yeah that is halfway 16:41:21 <&Smeagol> but no matter 16:41:31 in 5th place 16:41:40 much like an BiM event chat it's 16:41:46 'Always on Time' by BrickBrosProductions! 16:41:47 yes 16:41:52 awesome! 16:41:53 <@Penta> woo 16:41:54 <&Smeagol> congrats BrickBros 16:41:54 Instance.new() Yay :D 16:41:55 I have 11 fingers. (counting backwards on one hand) 10, 9, 8, 7, 6... (holding my other hand out) and 5 is eleven 16:41:56 Clap 16:41:58 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:41:58 cheers 16:41:58 gratz 16:41:59 Alright! Nice work guys! 16:42:01 <&Smeagol> I really dug the action in this one 16:42:02 Congratulations!! 16:42:05 Yay! 16:42:11 great job 16:42:12 <&Smeagol> it was a very entertaining watch 16:42:13 Excellent 16:42:14 good job 16:42:21 Good job buddy :D 16:42:28 Nice! 16:42:31 the train was the best part 16:42:33 that one was well scripted 16:42:41 It felt like Mad Max 16:42:45 Very funny 16:42:46 I thought the bridge part was the best :D 16:42:47 And that's a good thing 16:42:56 lol 16:43:11 <&Smeagol> and soooo 16:43:13 in 4th place 16:43:23 <@Penta> is it me 16:43:32 <&Smeagol> no pregnant paws this time 16:43:33 because it's 16:43:36 is "i it me" a brickfilm 16:43:37 <&Smeagol> 'Tech Dog' by Sillypenta! 16:43:37 Me? 16:43:42 <@Penta> nice meme 16:43:44 something about a dog? 16:43:46 Instance.new() It is you 16:43:46 Clap 16:43:47 How'd you know?? :P 16:43:49 great job penta 16:43:51 Congrazt! 16:43:52 Congrats Penta! 16:43:52 *Clap* *Clap* 16:43:54 That one was awesome! 16:43:55 — MightyWanderer claps 16:43:56 Yay! 16:43:57 Instance.new() :D 16:43:57 Me next? 16:44:01 Loved that film 16:44:02 Way to go Penta! 16:44:03 Loved that one! :) 16:44:07 Congratulations! 16:44:10 → filmseagull8 joined (filmseagul@tawx-209441F9.wi.res.rr.com) 16:44:10 Nice job penta! 16:44:19 <&Smeagol> congrats Penta 16:44:22 on defending your title 16:44:24 I especially loved the white expanse 16:44:45 <&Smeagol> You would have loved 2006 16:44:48 hi filmseagull8. I never saw you here before. 16:44:55 <&Smeagol> it was all white expanses all the time on Brickfilms.com back then 16:45:00 you don't see it so often these adys 16:45:01 *days 16:45:01 yeah, I'm new 16:45:03 Or ChaliosAnimations or ImmortalEntertainment. Hi 16:45:05 Lol 16:45:09 Instance.new() Heh 16:45:13 Welcome to the awards! 16:45:15 <&Smeagol> recap 16:45:16 Hey hooep9 :D 16:45:16 <&Smeagol> 4. Tech Dog by sillypenta 16:45:16 5. Always on Time by BrickBrosProductions 16:45:16 6. Ocean Treasures by Onecrasfilms 16:45:16 7. First Day on the Space Job by BrickMaker 16:45:17 8. Face Swapped by Formal Lens 16:45:18 welcome. 16:45:18 Hi 16:45:19 <&Smeagol> 9. A Camping Trip with Dad by brickorbrack 16:45:23 10. Strange Happenings by TopBrick Studios 16:45:23 Thanks 16:45:39 Rioforce has to be in the top 3 16:45:40 or ent. 16:45:42 Hello! 16:45:46 what about 3 2 and 1? 16:45:49 Round of applause yall 16:45:50 Rioforce is a great writer 16:45:55 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap**Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:46:07 Hope you like white expance 16:46:11 — MightyWanderer claps some more 16:46:12 applause 16:46:21 <&Smeagol> now on to the prize winners 16:46:23 the suspense is killing e. hope they get to #1 before the Goldbergs 16:46:25 Shawarma also claps a bit 16:46:27 :O 16:46:29 rioforce has to dye his hair blue and change his profile picture to his face 16:46:33 Instance.new() ^.^ 16:46:39 Love to see that 16:46:45 I still have a chance 16:46:45 <&Smeagol> In third place... 16:46:48 So make Rioforce win then 16:46:55 Yeah 16:47:01 ........ 16:47:02 <&Smeagol> I don't have a wordplay for this one 'cause it's 16:47:07 'Honk Honk!' by VN! 16:47:11 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap**Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:47:11 Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap cap 16:47:12 Winner gets an episode of Holding Our Own on DVD. Runner up gets TWO episodes of Holding Our Own on DVD. 16:47:12 Instance.new() Yesssss 16:47:14 <@Penta> woooo 16:47:15 Clap 16:47:17 Congratz!! 16:47:17 whoo 16:47:17 <@Penta> congrats VN 16:47:18 claps 16:47:19 Instance.new() Congratulations, VN! :DD 16:47:22 Congratulations!! 16:47:23 Yeah! That one was awesome! 16:47:24 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap**Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:47:26 I loved the animation on that one 16:47:27 Yes! That was hilarious 16:47:28 HONK HONK should have got first place 16:47:29 Honk Honk 16:47:30 congrats! :D 16:47:31 Instance.new() Glad you made it in the top 3 :D 16:47:33 Man, what an honor! 16:47:40 Indeed 16:47:40 Anyway, me next :P 16:47:43 How about... honk if you like #3 16:47:49 HONK HONK 16:47:51 <&Smeagol> glad you're enjoying a renaissance VN 16:47:53 Carmichael for president! 16:47:55 <&Smeagol> I liked the film, lovely character animation 16:48:01 aooooooggggaaaaaaaa 16:48:01 Honk 16:48:07 Honk 16:48:13 Honk 16:48:14 I would honk if I had watched it. I'll watch it later! 16:48:23 You can honk anyway 16:48:28 I only saw two entries 16:48:29 Honk 16:48:34 ok! 16:48:35 <&Smeagol> alright y'all 16:48:35 HONK 16:48:36 honkity honk 16:48:43 What is theis? A goose convention? 16:48:44 Honkadoole 16:48:45 <&Smeagol> in S E C O N D P L A C E 16:48:50 :O 16:48:51 honk once more 16:48:53 BIG HONKERS OVER HEEEERRE! BIG HONKERS OVER THERRRRE! 16:48:54 D: 16:48:54 lol 16:49:02 XD lol 16:49:04 <&Smeagol> 'Sounds Like Trouble' by nswihart! 16:49:09 <@Penta> wooooooo 16:49:10 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap**Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:49:11 Woo!!!! 16:49:12 Congratz!!!! 16:49:14 <@Penta> congrats nswihart 16:49:14 Awesome 16:49:15 COngratulations!! 16:49:15 HEADLIGHTS SO BRIGHT! SQUINTING FOR MY SIGHT! 16:49:16 Instance.new() YESSS 16:49:16 Alright! 16:49:19 Instance.new() Niceeeee 16:49:19 Sweet! What a great entry! 16:49:20 <&Smeagol> congratulations nswihart 16:49:20 Thanks everyone! 16:49:20 Instance.new() ^.^ 16:49:22 Clap Clap 16:49:22 Nice job! 16:49:22 Congrats 16:49:24 Congrats 16:49:24 congrats 16:49:24 Instance.new() So glad you made it, nswi 16:49:24 Wait? didn't I read the screenplay to thaT? 16:49:33 Clapityclap 16:49:33 Which film is this again? 16:49:38 I think I watched this one. 16:49:40 <&Smeagol> really cool world, nice robots 16:49:40 xP 16:49:40 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap**Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:49:44 one of my favorites 16:49:48 I think I read that one. 16:49:52 <&Smeagol> and in first place... 16:49:54 :) 16:49:58 RIOFORCE YAY!! 16:49:58 Won't be changing mu avatar after all 16:49:59 <&Smeagol> 'Draw' by Mighty Wanderer 16:50:00 Instance.new() :333 16:50:04 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:50:04 :O 16:50:09 Congrats Mighty! 16:50:10 Good 16:50:11 WOOOT!!!! 16:50:13 *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap**Clap* *Clap* *Clap* 16:50:15 Way to go MW! 16:50:17 <@Penta> wooooooooo 16:50:18 Judges nailed it! Yes! 16:50:19 Awesome!!! Great job! Awesome film! 16:50:20 Loved it. Cangratulations! 16:50:20 wahhhoooo 16:50:21 Congratulations, Mighty!! 16:50:22 Instance.new() Thanks :D 16:50:23 Congrats! 16:50:23 Knew when I first saw your entry it would win 16:50:23 YAH! 16:50:24 <@Penta> congrats MightyWanderer 16:50:24 woo 16:50:25 Well, it was nice taking part 16:50:26 always does a great animation 16:50:29 Excellent job! 16:50:30 Congrats :D 16:50:33 <&Smeagol> Thanks everybody for coming out for the chat 16:50:36 this was a really tough one to judge 16:50:36 Very cinematic 16:50:41 poor Rioforce tho 16:50:45 lol 16:50:46 I'll stop now 16:50:49 <&Smeagol> the results were less of a consensus and more of a mathematical determination based on our ballots 16:50:50 :P 16:50:50 RIOFORCE DIDN"T EVEN ENTER GUYS 16:50:52 Yeah. 16:50:53 now since you've won, you have to explain it to us MW 16:50:56 <&Smeagol> b/c all the top entries had their merits 16:50:59 Im gutted I didn't make the top 10 but a really fantastic contest :D well done to everyone who won :) 16:51:00 WHAT DID YOU SAY?? :P 16:51:00 Great job, Mighty! Congrats!! 16:51:01 <@Penta> yes Mark 16:51:03 Instance.new() That's only fair, Mark 16:51:05 rioforce doesn't have to dye his hair blue 16:51:06 Instance.new() xD 16:51:17 Unfortunantly 16:51:29 My logo remains my avatar 16:51:37 I didn't win either. Now I don't have to go to Hawaii and become a plumber... 16:51:38 How will you know what place you got if you didn't make top 10 16:51:41 Or whatever i said 16:51:42 I'm surprised not to see Reach for the Stars here. I think it was called that? 16:51:45 blue hair... everywhere... express.. that view... (line from Fools for fashion by The Talk) 16:51:59 Lennart'd Dreams 16:52:02 Yeah Brickmaker 16:52:05 Lennad's 16:52:10 Lennard's 16:52:12 ⇐ Bataton quit (Bataton@tawx-CC20BDA4.red.bezeqint.net) Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client 16:52:13 That was a nice one, eh? 16:52:17 No Hawaiian, brickfilming plumbers 16:52:19 Thanks judges for for your time! 16:52:20 lots of good films this year 16:52:21 Yeah, I liked that one 16:52:23 Only the top 10 entries in BiM contests are ranked, filmseagull8 16:52:24 Yeah, brickrazy, something like that 16:52:24 Well done, everyone 16:52:29 Honk 16:52:32 k 16:52:35 This was a neat contest! 16:52:37 → @rioforce (opped) joined 16:52:37 good Job judges 16:52:40 Congrats to all 16:52:41 It was my first 16:52:42 I'd be really interested to see how the judges rated my film :3 16:52:43 oh hi rio 16:52:47 Rio you won FIRST PLACE! 16:52:48 It was great this year 16:52:49 Bataton left right away, like leaving a ballgame early, or like a schmuck who leaves church right after communion 16:52:49 Thanks! Congratulations everyone! Honk! 16:52:51 good job anouncing Smeagol 16:52:55 <@rioforce> yay I get to die my hair now 16:52:59 Congrats Rio! 16:53:00 Sorry 16:53:06 No blue hair 16:53:07 <@rioforce> I totally didn't schedule my dinner at the right time to accept my award though 16:53:08 What is this dye heir thing? some bet? 16:53:09 <@rioforce> Ah wel 16:53:12 You missed it rioforce, you won first, but you weren't here so I got the prize instead 16:53:28 Ocean Treasures was my favourite 16:53:29 <@rioforce> That ain't fair, I could always use a second Dragonframe! 16:53:30 Congrats again, guys! 16:53:31 Carmichael still for president! 16:53:32 yeah, must be present to accept the prize 16:53:40 ⇐ Rafael quit (Rafael@tawx-EC10E241.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client 16:53:41 Congrats on the prize by the way brickcrazy 16:53:49 I could use a first 16:53:50 Carmichael from Laverne & Shirley? 16:54:01 Congrats to everyone. 16:54:04 Thanks, I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment *sniff* 16:54:05 Bye guys 16:54:12 All the entries. It's a tough thing to pull together. 16:54:14 <@rioforce> My deepest condolences, MightyWanderer, you have to suffer through the whole prize acceptance process ;( 16:54:18 ⇐ OneDouglas quit (Mibbit@tawx-E1A199AC.molalla.net) Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client 16:54:23 <@Penta> rio knows the pain 16:54:24 Instance.new() Thank you, rio 16:54:25 That means a lot 16:54:26 Can we have a recap of the winners? 16:54:31 <@rioforce> http://www.bricksinmotion.com/forums/post/363135/#p363135 16:54:33 Racap! 16:54:36 And the authors? 16:54:46 <@rioforce> Congrats on another 4th place, Penta! 16:54:51 who is VN? 16:55:01 <@rioforce> And congrats to VN and nswihart as well 16:55:10 <@Penta> thank you rio 16:55:11 <@rioforce> And to everyone that's of equal or lesser importance 16:55:20 I'll be watching these winning videos later! Can't wait! 16:55:20