# Pastebin AaEbFVsG * Upgrade issue of openstack_auth in pip environment * If an operator install horizon using pip directly rather than distribution package, there seems an upgrade notice is required. The following is what I see. Do you would like to have this in the release note? * Install django_openstack_auth and horizon from Pike and then install horizon from Queens => openstack_auth from django_openstack_auth was kept. http://paste.openstack.org/show/626820/ * Install django_openstack_auth and horizon from Pike, remove django_openstack_auth and then install horizon from Queens => openstack_auth from horizon was installed. http://paste.openstack.org/show/626823/ * General progress is found at the whiteboard of the blueprint * There are various ongoing things around horizon plugins and requirements. (amotoki will follow-up the on-going things) * Some TODOs are remaining (Needs volunteers) * Future of django-openstack-auth repo?