# Pastebin 9wggSi4A [ASERVE] 14-aserve-worker: 04/30/20 - 00:01:52 - while processing command "GET /static/gwl/style/images/ui-bg_highlight-hard_75_b6b6b6_1x100.png HTTP/1.1" got the error failed AVER: (= (HASH-TABLE-COUNT SB-IMPL::TABLE) SB-IMPL::HWM) This is probably a bug in SBCL itself. (Alternatively, SBCL might have been corrupted by bad user code, e.g. by an undefined Lisp operation like (FMAKUNBOUND 'COMPILE), or by stray pointers from alien code or from unsafe Lisp code; or there might be a bug in the OS or hardware that SBCL is running on.) If it seems to be a bug in SBCL itself, the maintainers would like to know about it. Bug reports are welcome on the SBCL mailing lists, which you can find at .