# Pastebin 77UElYNV ================================================== 8,589 bytes in 0.00 seconds (4193.85KB/sec) ; Loading "cl-base64" [package cl-base64].... ; Loading "build-cando-jupyter" [package bordeaux-threads]........................ [package uuid].................................... [package fredokun-utilities]...................... [package myjson].................................. [package cl-jupyter].............................. [package cl-jupyter-user]......................... [package cl-jupyter-widgets]...................... [package traitlets]............................ Received error of type: SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR In function PATHNAME,the value of the only argument is NIL which is not of the expected type (OR FILE-STREAM STRING PATHNAME) Debugger disabled - exiting. ------- Common Lisp backtrace: Could not find stack frame for address: # Could not find stack frame for address: # Could not find stack frame for address: #