# Pastebin 64imuwLf ENKIDU Conceptually Secure Documentation is a type of documentation developed by the Foundation Antimemetics Department as a means of storing data related to SCP-* without ontologically compromising the viewer. ENKIDU was devised in 19-- as a replacement for the previous documentation scheme, known as GILGAMESH, which was abandoned after Incident [ERROR - NONREAL NUMBER]. This documentation method utilizes a complex multilevel memetic coding scheme contained within a Type III Langford-Erlichmann Active Visual Matrix. This matrix, when viewed by a human being, causes the viewer's own brain to subconsciously construct the conceptual entity of the document within the reader's mind and superimpose it within their field of vision. Thus, the viewer does not read the document's text per se, but instead instantly and continuously visualizes it in place of the matrix. Conceptual isolation is achieved through the use of ENKIDU's defining feature - the so-called "infinitely recursive frame." Specifically, the aforementioned memetic matrix constructs the document in the viewer's mind an "infinitely metafictional construct" - which is to say, not as a piece of actual documentation but as "a story, within a story, within a story," ad infiniteum. Consciously, the reader will notice little difference, except perhaps a feeling of detachedness from the document's contents; subconsciously, however, their brain will fail to establish a conceptual link between the real document and the corresponding mental construct. This, in conjunction with the fact that the actual text viewed is a visual construct, renders the viewer conceptually isolated from the document