# Pastebin 0cO4gUO5 cisquiers: I can reproduce on x86_64 with the gcc:9 container 21:08 but apparently I can't run gdb there 21:11 fortunately it reproduces on the host system as well (fedora 32 with gcc 10) 21:11 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 21:11 silk_noise_shape_quantizer_del_dec_sse4_1 (decisionDelay=40, smpl_buf_idx=, nStatesDelayedDecision=4, warping_Q16=15728, predictLPCOrder=16, shapingLPCOrder=24, subfr=0, length=80, offset_Q10=100, Lambda_Q10=622, Gain_Q16=20316160, LF_shp_Q14=806733107, Tilt_Q14=-1638, HarmShapeFIRPacked_Q14=0, lag=100, AR_shp_Q13=0x7fffffff67f0, b_Q14=0x7fffffff6780, a_Q12=0x7fffffff67d0, 21:11 delayedGain_Q10=0x7fffffff65e0, sLTP_Q15=0x7fffffff47f0, xq=0x7fffffff8db0, pulses=0x41d2fc "", x_Q10=0x7fffffff42f0, signalType=1, psDelDec=0x7fffffff4f70, NSQ=0x7fffffff8b30) at silk/x86/NSQ_del_dec_sse4_1.c:407 21:11 407 a_Q12_4567 = OP_CVTEPI16_EPI32_M64( a_Q12 + 4 ); 21:13 if you want artefacts from the ci build. you can try adding an 'artifacts: paths: - .' stanza to .gitlab-ci on your branch.